Friday 9 January 2015

Q&A with Fitness trainer and Nutritionist Vannesa Joseph

 3 years ago, aged 13, I was in the eat-healthy-and-stay-fit phase when I discovered Vannesa Joseph, a nutritionist and fitness trainer, who has been my role model ever since. She is also the author of two nutrition and two fitness books, and the president of a nutrition practice in Glasgow. She is recognized worldwide and has appeared on many live talk shows.
Last week she did a live streaming on YouTube, where her fans asked her questions which she then answered. This was my golden opportunity to ask her my questions, which I did. Below are some of the main important questions answered by her:

1) What attracted you towards this career?
     It was, actually, my neighbour and her lifestyle. She was obese and faced many problems, such as diseases and inability to do anything on her own, due to that and, sadly, there was nothing I could do to help her due to my lack of knowledge in the field of nutrition and weight loss. Partly due to my helplessness, her condition got worse and in a few months, she passed away. That made my mind up on what I wanted to pursue when I grow up: a dietician. Obviously my choices meandered on the way, and I ended up being a trainer and nutritionist. Also, being fit and health makes one happy about themselves and also boosts their self esteem. It is also rare for them to get sick.

2) What are your favorite strength training and weight loss exercises?
    For Biceps, I enjoy lifting weights and doing overhead lifts. For my abs, Russian twists, crunches and prowler pushing are at the top of my list. And, for losing weight, it is mostly walks and jogs.

3) Are there any nutrition tips that you can give a beginner like me, that helped you optimize your athletic performance?
    Yes, a beginner should first cut out all processed foods, fast food and white carbs( small amount taken in is allowed) .He/she must eat 5-6times a day where after every main meal there is a snack. He/she should only eat a small portion of food and only when hungry. Also, he/she should always include carbs( also with a lot of fiber and not white carbs)protein and veggies in each meal. Fruits are a good pre- and post-workout snack. Staying hydrated is also very important.

4) Is there a shortcut to weight loss for the elderly?
    Yes there is a shortcut, but it will take long to see the results. Watch what you eat, reduce saturated fats, take walks or jogs in the morning and evening. Drink lots of water and eat many green vegetables. Having said that, don't be afraid to enjoy a great steak once in a while.

5) Do you have a motto that drives to to stay consistent?
    Well...I really don't know but I always go for never give up and it's always best to find a friend or someone to workout with. this gives you enough motivation and for teenagers following accounts in social networks that are motivational in workout are also effective

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